Walk Reports 2013

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Clevedon Moors survey walk  

A warm sunny day. Sixteen walkers met in Moor Lane where Paul explained that a few days before he and Liz Byrd had realised that the footpath route on paper would need to be modified to make a reasonable morning walk of 3-4 miles. 

After due safety warnings the group crossed Central Way and the motorway roundabout to Clevedon Craft Centre, then a short way up Court Lane onto the Moor fields to a rhyne sluice and across further fields toward the town boundary. The wooden bridges on the way were in good shape. After turning back, the intrepid sixteen turned south to tackle a field of thistles to reach Triangle Farm. The thistles had resulted from fields being flooded and inaccessible the previous winter.

After continuing southwards to Nailsea Wall, with buzzards, herons and swans in attendance, steps were retraced to Trangle Farm. A walk westwards then along Cook's Lane led to a well-earned rest, drink and cake (or whatever) in the Craft Centre café. The assembled looked somewhat immobile but they eventually agreed to return as they had arrived - in the warm sunshine still.

Report by Paul Cronin

Monday 23 September 2013

Bleadon Hill

The walk had been postponed by a week due to bad weather but on September 23rd it was cloudy, dry and mild, making pleasant walking weather.

Bleadon Hill is just south of Weston-super-Mare and overlooks the town. We left our cars at Bleadon village Hall where there is free parking. As the group of eleven advanced, we encountered magnificent views in all directions, from Clevedon to Brent Knoll, and from Glastonbury to the Holm Islands.

Apart from the ubiquitous sheep and occasional horse and rider, we saw a buzzard, several friendly Gloucester Old Spot pigs and extensive pristine commercial apple orchards on the south facing slopes above the winding River Axe. There were hills to climb and descend with good paths and gentle slopes.

The four-mile walk took just under three hours with stops to enjoy the scenery. On returning to the charming village of Bleadon we had an excellent lunch at the delightful Queen’s Arms pub. 

Report by Ross Janes and Julie Slocombe

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Winscombe Strawberry Line 

8 walkers, including one visitor, set off with 3 dogs from the centre of Winscombe and stopped to admire the old station platform and millennium sculptures before taking the path leading to the A371. Once safely across, the group followed way markers across several fields all with old low stone slab stiles, eventually arriving at the charming East Well.

Up Winscombe Hill and on to St James the Great churchyard where we all enjoyed an elevenses stop and a chance to view the church. Through the woods of Broad Knoll and an adventurous hike up the hill negotiating a fallen tree on the way to the welcome flatness of Barton Drive. A sharp right hand turn led us up a very steep hill through a farm to Cross Plain owned by the National Trust.

Ponies and fine views awaited us with Glastonbury Tor just discernible through the fine drizzle, which became thicker as we descended Kings Wood on to the Strawberry Line. The Shute Shelve Tunnel gave transient shelter after which the walking pace to the cars quickened.

Dogs settled thankfully into the cars while the rest hurried to the Woodborough pub for a warming lunch after our 4.4 mile walk. 

Report by Liz Byrd

Sunday 20 October 2013

Three Rivers Walk

12 walkers and two dogs met in the Barn car parkto start the walk, leaving at the rugby club end, we came onto Middle Path that runs above the culverted Middle Yeo (our first river).

Turning right, we walked along this path until we reached Strode Road where it was pointed out that the Middle Yeo continued under the path leading to the sports centre area. Crossing Strode Road, we followed the path alongside the Land Yeo (our second river), crossed Southern Way and on to Marshalls Field.

Here we went diagonally left onto the sea wall where the Middle Yeo discharges into the Pill. From there we made our way to the Blind Yeo (our third river).

We walked the length of this river to the motorway , crossing Strode Road and Kenn Road on the way. At the motorway we crossed the footbridge into the wooded area and followed the path until we emerged onto the bridge over the motorway. From here we took a short detour to visit Quinney’s Wood. After a quick exploration we retraced our steps back along Davis Lane and turned right to follow the original route of Davis Lane. This brought us out opposite Court Lane.

We made our way down Court Lane, crossing the now visible section of the Middle Yeo until we regained the motorway bridge where we turned left onto a footpath that led to Northern Way. From here we followed Northern Path to Hither Green trading estate and the motorway roundabout, then along Moor Lane back to the car park.

The weather was mixed with an overcast start, a shower halfway along the Blind Yeo where we took shelter for a while, then as we continued the sun came out giving us a lovely sunny finish to our 5 mile walk. 

Report by Dave Long


Thursday 7 November 2013

Blackrock gate and Charterhouse

Five people and two dogs set off to the upper part of Cheddar Gorge on an overcast day. The National Trust land we started walking along is the true upper route of the river which gouged out the gorge. We passed Black Rock where men had quarried by hand for stone for many years. We then followed the path up through Velvet Bottom where all the open cast lead mining had taken place, with its lumpy landscape and plenty of shiny black spoils from the smelting. 

We then followed the lane through the scattered hamlet of Charterhouse until we reached the footpath which led uphill to sunny fields with spectacular views, and finally downhill to pass in front of Black Rock again, just over 2 hours in total for this 4. 5 mile walk. 

We had a very good lunch at the Penscott Inn at Shipham. 

Report by Julie Slocombe

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Civic Society Environment Group Projects Walk

In strong winds, and at times driving rain of biblical proportions, a hardy group of walkers toured the sites of the Environment Group’s projects. Sixteen walkers and one dog started – with twelve walkers making it to the finish. The dog had to be taken home as the owner had forgotten the dog’s coat! 

The walk started on the Green Beach to look at the restored fountain there and then went as far as the Lookout on Poet’s Walk and the recently opened Zig-zag path to the top of Church Hill. The return journey took them past the Victoria Road drinking fountain and along The Beach to finish at the seating area in Pier Copse. 

It had been intended to look at 16 projects but this was reduced at the end due to the wet weather. The prospect of a hot cup of coffee in a warm dry cafe was much more appealing than a look at the Marine Hill drinking trough – I wonder why? 

A repeat walk is planned for a warm summer’s evening next year – with a pub at the end rather than a coffee shop! 

Report by Bob Hardcastle

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