Walk Reports 2016


Monday 20 June 2016

Sand Bay

After a period of very heavy rain, Monday dawned bright and warm. As the walk progressed the weather became hot and sunny. Obviously the sun shines on the righteous!

The first part of the walk followed the beach which was pleasant but semi suburban. However soon we turned off to the right and followed a long loop through beautiful countryside, sometimes in the open and sometimes between high hedges. The variety of habitat supported an abundance of wildlife – birds, moths, butterflies and plants. Eventually we reached the “Priory” where we found an excellent sheltered spot for a break. The historians revelled in the visit to the interior of the building.

We pushed on and after a steady climb finally looked down on a quiet secluded beach. Here we decided to picnic. The feeling of being far from civilisation was amazing due to the long vistas of shore lines and sea. The descent to the beach was quite steep but everyone made it intact.

After lunch we pushed on to the point sticking out into the sea opposite distant Clevedon. This took us some 40 minutes. As we walked the views got better and better. Alongside the path it was like a wild flower garden of yellow, white, purple, red, blue and green and all shades between. A wind sprang up and the water became quite wild. After a brief pause at the furthest point and some photographs later, we started back to Sand Bay. We were delighted to find an ice cream van on the way to fortify us for the long straight road along the beach back to the parking.

All concerned found this to be a great day out.

Length: 7 miles

Time: Approx. 5 hours including breaks

Number attending: 9

Report by Carol Wood
Photo by James Foulds

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