Walk Reports 2017

Thursday 19 October 2017

Severn Beach Promenade - The alternative title for this walk should have been umpteen shades of grey! Leaving Clevedon with an overcast sky, we clung to the vain hope that the forecast, which said it would be dry with rain “later”, was correct. Perhaps it was….. but “later” turned out to be as we arrived at the beach! Nevertheless, having driven there, we decided to walk anyway. Severn Beach was originally intended to be Bristol’s Blackpool, with beautiful views across the Severn to Wales. It never achieved its objective and remains a quirky little place at the end of the railway line. The promenade was pleasant but empty, the dream of Blackpool long since gone. There might be lovely views but as the mist rolled in we could see only a little bit of the ‘new’ bridge. The information boards were very interesting and on a fine day would indeed be very helpful. The rain got heavier. We had a brief respite, standing under the bridge watching the maintenance workers. We also did a little detour to see if we could find the rail tunnel. It was probably there amongst the bushes. The rain eased and our spirits, along with the mist lifted a little.

There was a good spot near a fine Dutch style building for a coffee break. In true British style, spurred on by adversity, we all actually began to chat, laugh and have fun. As the roads split, we had a rendering of “I’ll take the high road”. We retraced our steps and made for the café where a neon sign reminiscent of an American diner, now declared the café to be open. All agreed the café was a fine example of a really retro cafe from the 1960’s. As we dried out, the coffee and cake were most welcome, with one member even being tempted to an excellent Sausage, egg and chips! The noise level rose and peals of laughter rang out. The very pleasant, tolerant owners worked hard to deal with what was now a ‘full house’. Everyone on the walk agreed that we should return one weekend in fine weather when we were sure it would make a great day out. Despite everything, the walk was voted a great success, if only for its wonderful social content.

Leader: Carol Wood

Report: James Foulds

Tuesday 7 November and Wednesday 8 November 2017

Pill - One Walk - Two Days!

15 in total enjoyed the 4 mile mile around Pill but not all on the same day!

The walk was scheduled for Tuesday 7th November, however the day was somewhat damp with rain forecast all day. Although several members turned up the general consensus was to postpone to the Wednesday due to weather conditions. However there were 5 hardy types who couldn’t make the next day and really wanted to do the walk, so walk leader went the extra mile (quite literally 🙂) and led the walk both days.

The walk started at Pill Creek and was very varied, going through two cricket pitches, paths, fields and wooded areas. It was enjoyed by everybody, even those who got wet. The Wednesday group being rewarded for their wait by glorious sunshine that day.

The Wednesday group also enjoyed a delicious meal in The Kings Arms, St George’s Close, Easton-in-Gordano. Thanks to them for making us so welcome.

Report by Maureen Humphries

Wednesday 22 November 2017

Portishead Replacement Walk Due to the uncertainties of the weather the planned walk was changed to something more local and easily modified according to the conditions.

Eleven walkers took part in a 3 mile circuit starting and finishing at the Lake Grounds in Portishead with a coffee stop along the Marina complex. Although blustery in parts the rain held off and lunch at the Windmill PH completed an enjoyable outing.

The planned walk between Axbridge and Winscombe will be rescheduled in the future.

Report by Wendy Moore

Thursday 28 December 2017

Mince pie and mulled wine walk Three days after Christmas 13 members left the bandstand for a stroll around Clevedon to walk off the extra calories of Christmas. We walked along the front past Marine Lake to The Salthouse, to the flats turned right and made our way to St.Andrews Church and down past the cemetery making our way to The Pill.

We continued walking along by the sea to the sluice gate just before the golf course, we turned left making our way to Strode Road, again turning left and continuing along past Asda making our way to the Shell Garage. After crossing the road we made our way to the donkey path walking to the top passing the allotments then making our way to the finishing point in Oaklands car Park, for mince pies, tiffin and mulled cider. A good time was had by all.

Report by Philip Humphries

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