The day chosen was blessed with perfect weather – warm sunshine and a slight breeze. From the National Trust car park, we took the Old Military Road to the top of the hill and the actual ‘Down’.
Amazing to think that we were following in the footsteps of the iron age, Roman settlers and more recently, the British military. ‘En route’ we stopped a few times to admire the wonderful views; back to Weston or out to Steep Holm. We saw some wonderful flowers, including the unique White Rock Rose (only found on Brean Down), the relatively uncommon Bee Orchid and a Common Orchid.
We also saw some fierce looking caterpillars, which Carol identified as ‘drinker moths’. We followed the Old Military Road all the way to the Victorian Fort. The Fort proved to be of much interest and the new explanation boards were very impressive.
After a short refreshment break we headed up the fairly stiff hill and took the path back along the ridge, looking at the iron age fish traps on the way.
We then descended the steep ‘staircase’ to the National Trust café where we had an excellent ‘snack’.
All declared it to have been an exhilarating day out.
Report from Carol and James.
Photographs from Jeff Eastmond & Ross Janes.
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