Walk Reports 2018


Thursday 25 October 2018

Bath Skyline Walk

A ‘Grand Day Out’

Gradually we gathered in the sunshine at Yatton station on our way to walk the Bath Skyline. There was a lot of excitement and Carol said it reminded her of leading school trips.

We walked through Bath, stopping to admire the architecture, the golden-brown trees and in general the beauty of the whole scene. Our leader read from the guide leaflet and the group gathered round in awe, or was it to keep out of the cold? There was a sharp wind when out of the sunshine.

Having walked and gazed for about 40 minutes we reached the Holburne Museum for a welcome refreshment break. Then it was up through the park to the canal. The bridges are particularly fine and as we followed the canal everyone was in high spirits.


From there we took the long climb to the top of Bathwick Hill where the whole splendour of Bath was laid out before us. During our way down, we were amazed to see so much open countryside. We marvelled at the ‘rare breed’ sheep and took a wide berth of the young, frisky cattle. We retraced our steps part of the way, via the canal, including the canal pond, to descend to North Parade.

Just before the centre we stopped off at an excellent Tapas restaurant. Then it was back to Yatton and tea for some, in the Strawberry line café. All declared it to be a ‘Grand Day Out’, combining history, buildings and countryside with fun and jolly conversation.

Length: about 3.5 miles; Attending: 14 members.

Report by Carol and James. 
Photographs by Ross Janes and Jeff Eastmond.


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