Walk Reports 2019


Friday 15 March 2019

East Clevedon

On a very blustery morning six well waterproofed members met at the Old Inn and set off on an exploration of the eastern part of Clevedon.

The first landmark was the recently restored memorial in Walton Road which some of the group saw for the first time. Plodding up Strawberry Hill we remarked on the variety of architecture and the obvious age of some of the houses. Then the mud began as we turned left into the Fir Wood walking as far as the Cinder Path behind Highdale Avenue, where we were greeted by another member as we admired her garden.

We passed the Council Offices and made our way by the hospital to Meadow Road over the river into Kingston Avenue. Turning left again we took the underpass to reach the far side of Northern Way to Brookfield Walk.

More mud crossing two fields to the cider apple orchard, originally a millenium project and now carefully maintained by the Woodcutters for Wildlife. No sign of blossom as we stopped for coffee break but worth a visit in May.  

Skirting the dividing ditch we reached the large field alongside the motorway and braving the wind and drizzle we skirted the field and reached the Land Yeo again, but failed to see any water voles.  

Thankfully gaining the shelter of Northern Path we made our way back to our meeting place, agreeing that it had been a bracing but worthwhile morning! 

Report and Photo by Liz Byrd

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