Expectations were high as we arrived at Ham Wall in the Somerset Levels.
We had been unable to visit last year because of travel restrictions so we were eager to see one of nature’s spectacular sights. The weather was perfect with a clear sky and no wind. Many people joined the crowds as we waited for the start of the show!
The starlings come from all over the area to roost and join together in enormous flocks and we could see what looked like smoke in the distance and then we could make out that there were large groups of birds winging their way to settle for the night.
Unfortunately, although the flocks got bigger, they did not settle in front of us as was hoped but flew down into distant reed beds. We could see them but they were too far away for a super murmuration display. Apparently there were flocks of 500,000 birds but not where we were standing!
Nevertheless, we enjoyed the stunning sun set, beautiful scenery in perfect winter conditions. On the way back to the car park we passed a bed noisy with the starlings as they settled for the night. They are wild birds so unpredictable, we hope for better luck next year.
Report by Carol Wood
Photos by Carol, Ross Janes and Jeff Eastmond
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