Walk Reports 2022


Wednesday 30 March 2022

East Clevedon Survey walk

Eight walkers attended this 4-mile Survey Walk for the paths in the eastern part of Clevedon.

From our start point by the Scout Hall we traversed the Middle Path out to the roundabout on the Tickenham Road, where we joined the footpath alongside the Land Yeo. Pausing to tidy up the brambles at the gate in to Court Lane, we crossed the motorway bridge and resumed walking towards the Town boundary and Tickenham.

When we reached the bridge over the Yearling Ditch, our path was blocked by a grating lashed to the bridge, barring our further progress. After noting this and the decaying state of the wooden bridge over the Land Yeo on the path to the north, we turned south.

The next field gate and fence had been removed and a considerable amount of road and building rubble had been deposited, presumably in an attempt to consolidate muddy ground. Unfortunately this made the path very rough and uneven, and the removal of the gate posts also removed the path discs, as a path goes off south-west at this location.

At the next field boundary and path junction, it was noted that the path discs could only be viewed by walkers from the south, and we pressed forward, pausing to identify a fungus that was growing at the edge of the path. On reaching Cooks Lane, the group took a coffee break, while the leader attempted in vain to locate the start of the next path to be walked. This path was one that had been previously reported to be unsigned.

Giving that idea up, the group walked down the lane towards the Craft Centre in Moor Lane; on the way a Jay was spotted in a blossoming Pussy Willow tree. Recrossing the motorway by way of the path around the junction we proceeded along Kenn Moor Drive and the paths back to our starting point.

Various reports have been made to North Somerset Council regarding the items we found.

Report and photos by Jeff Eastmond

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