Walk Reports 2014


Monday 13 October 2014


On a rather moist Monday morning, ten hardy folk turned out for a walk around Sandford and Lyncombe Woods. This stalwart party consisted of seven Society members and three visitors.

This walk through the Mendip Hills took us in and out of areas of woodland and pasture with, what could have been, stunning views across to Crook Peak and back towards Clevedon.

A geologist in the party was able to tell us about the rock formations of the Mendip Hills and also enlighten us as to the use of the old disused lime kilns we encountered en route.

The walk was enjoyed by all, with the rain mainly holding off until we were in the pub, where a delicious carvery meal was thoroughly enjoyed by all.

A request was made to repeat the walk next year when, hopefully, the weather will be better and more members will be tempted to join us.

Report from Helen Bussell
Photograph uncredited

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