Walk Reports 2015


Tuesday 14 July 2015

Clevedon Golf Club

“We can’t see Wales across the river – so it must be raining!” Actually we were lucky as it didn’t come to much and largely cleared up by the time the eleven walkers sat down for tea and cake at the end of the morning, courtesy of James.

The walk took us from the gates of the Clevedon Golf Club, past the Club House and along the path above the coast. As the first part of the walk covered a Clevedon footpath, our aim was to check the condition of the route. Whilst the undergrowth is beginning to encroach a little, on the whole the condition is good.

Having reached the end of this path we dropped down to the coastal path back towards Clevedon and then returned along the road to our start point. In all, the walk lasted about an hour and three quarters.

The views through breaks in the hedges were beautiful although misty. There were a lot of birds about, some of the most spectacular being bull finches and goldfinches; but no butterflies. At one point we debated the name of some pink flowers which subsequently turned out to be Common Centaury.

Given the weather, the walk was a success and the chat well up to standard.

Report by Carol Wood
Photograph uncredited

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