Walk Reports 2016


Thursday 31 March 2016


Ten walkers and two dogs set off from Uphill village after taking care to order lunch at the Dolphin pub.

Crossing through the boatyard we passed climbers scaling the quarry, the remains of the lime kiln and a little further on, the former explosives store. Keeping to the main path, recently made fully wheelchair accessible, we enjoyed the brilliant sunny stroll to the new bird hides and lagoons, where we watched mallards and moorhens while enjoying a coffee break.

Up steps to the sea wall, we turned to walk to the Walborough mound accompanied by numerous skylarks overhead. After a mile of views of Brean Down over the salt marshes we left the sea wall path to strike across country and up hill to the Beacon and St Nicholas' church.

Several of the party climbed the beacon tower to take in the view extending across Bridgwater Bay, to Brent Knoll and Glastonbury Tor. Down again and back to the sea wall by skirting the far side of Walborough mound. This led us back through the boatyard where enthusiastic sailors were classically mucking about in their boats.

And so to the pub where we were joined by another member. to enjoy an excellent lunch after our 4 mile walk.

Report and photos by Liz Byrd

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