Walk Reports 2016


Tuesday 12 April 2016


This walk starting and finishing at the Portishead outdoor swimming pool was remarkable for its variety and perhaps even more remarkable for the glorious weather in an otherwise wet week.

Starting steeply through the woods we had fine views both up the Gordano Valley and out over the river to the Severn Bridges. An equally steep descent took us through a new development to the marina. On the way we admired the open spaces, curving terraces and the modern art references to local history.

Walking round the marina someone commented that we could easily be somewhere on the Mediterranean.

After a rather lengthy break sunning ourselves, we then wove our way through a further development area remarking on the care taken to create an interesting, varied and pretty environment.

Reaching the new wildlife reserve we were astonished to have a very close up view of an adult heron which was seemingly quite un-phased by all the attention. The reserve is developing well and the potential for wild life encounters appears to be very good.

We followed the coast back to the Royal Inn where an excellent lunch was enjoyed in the recently refurbished premises. The whole walk was a bit over 4 miles and took about three hours plus lunch.

Number of walkers: 12

Report by Carol Wood
Photo by Wendy Moore

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