The weather was fair but with a threat of rain late morning as 9 walkers assembled at the car park in Goblin Combe for this walk of just over 2.6 miles, but with a substantial amount of climbing and descending.
After walking from the car park to the entrance to the Combe, we turned left and climbed uphill to the ridge path on the north side of the Combe, walking through the site of an ancient settlement and past an unexpected obstacle in the shape of a fallen tree. After passing through several ancient field boundary walls, we attained the edge of the ridge at a wonderful viewpoint which became our mid-walk coffee stop.
Having completed our refreshments, we doubled-back a short way and took a path to a long flight of steps which led down to the path at the bottom of the Combe. A gentle stroll down this path brought us past a large ancient beech tree to the entrance again, where we considered the purpose of the considerable landscaping project in progress there, before wending our way back to the car park.
Report by Jeff Eastmond
Photos by Jeff, and Ross Janes
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