Walk Reports 2021


Wednesday 8 September 2021

Wrington Circular Walk

A circular, moderate walk, of approx just under 6 miles starting from Wrington.

Three of us started out from The Plough pub, and made our way up through The Dring. From there climbing onto Wrington Hill, then down to Goblin Combe, where we stopped for drinks.

After existing the Combe and passing the old school we proceeded to Kings Wood, where we were able to see some evidence of former mine workings. After leaving Kings Wood and passing some boarding kennels we turned right, making our way towards Wrington.

We passed some Boundary stones, which mark the boundary of Wrington and
Congresbury, where there were also some fine views of the Wrington Vale. Carrying on into some fields we stopped for our picnic lunch with a view of Wrington Church.

From there, going through several fields and passing the church, we were back in Wrington High Street and finishing back at The Plough.

Report by Philip Humphries
Photos by Jeff Eastmond

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