Fortunately the excessive hot weather was replaced by more normal temperatures so we set off from Tickenham Church relieved to be out again.
All the regulars were unable to join so it was Carol and two new members who tramped up the hill. I had been unable to pre-walk the route, because of the heat so we agreed to try it with a spirit of adventure.
There was a little difficulty finding the gate into Old Lane but otherwise we encountered no problems and were rewarded with the amazing views from Cadbury Camp. This is an Iron Age Fort possibly built by the Dobunni tribe who occupied the area but it was in January 1607 when a huge Tsunami rushed up the Somerset Levels leaving thousands dead.
Luckily the sea and weather behaved itself today and we were able to climb down the hill with no misfortune, possibly because the two new walkers had brought waterproof jackets with them.
A good walk of 5 miles with elevation gain of 210m or 688ft.
Report and photo by Carol Wood
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