The History of Clevedon

Part 6: Clevedon's Principal Buildings

Clevedon Court, the residence of the lord of the manor, is an interesting specimen of early domestic architecture, having been built during the occupancy of the Clevedon's in the reign of Edward II

The old church, dedicated to St. Andrew, is of ancient date, and stands at the western extremity of the village on Clevedon Point, at a small distance from the edge of a steep and precipitous cliff.

The new church, Christ Church, was consecrated in August 1839, the Revd George W Braikenridge, MA being appointed minister.

Union Chapel for a mixed dissenting congregation was erected in 1827 in the lower part of the village. There is also a meetinghouse in the new village by the Beach.

A village school in connection with the National School Society was completed in the year 1835; There are about 140 children registered on the books. There is also an infant school affording accommodation for 100 children.

In the season Clevedon is much frequented as a watering place. The hotels, lodging houses and villas for the accommodation of visitors, as well as the houses of the resident gentry, are principally in the upper part of the village, on the hill. Upper Clevedon as this part of the village is called, has all been built within the last 30 years. The lower part of the village, which is also the oldest, extends from about three quarters of a mile eastward of Clevedon Court down to the sea a distance of nearly three miles. The main street follows the course of the high Rd., the thickest part of the village is now about midway down this line of road, not far from the railway station. This lower part of the village is the part in which the labouring and poorer classes of the population chiefly reside. There are also some of the better class of dwellings, and a few farmhouses.

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