What's coming up soon and what happened recently


Public Meeting

12 September 2024
St Andrews Church Hall

Resurrection of an Old Railway
Speaker: Ian Raven

CCS members free; Visitors £3 each

Refreshments available


Public Meeting - History Group

18 July 2024
St Andrews Church Hall

Members' Summer Supper
Bring your items of local interest to talk about or just display

CCS members free; Visitors £3 each

Bring your own picnic food, drinks will be provided


Footpaths Group
Tuesday 17 July

Poets' Walk - a Summer Stroll

Meet at St. Andrews Church at 7:00pm

A walk of approx. 1 mile around Wains Hill.

Drinks in the Salthouse after

Contact Carol 01275 279289

Covid-Secure walks - pre-booking essential, see details on the FP Group Programme page, link below.


Environment Group
Monday 5 August

Working Party



10am start for approx 1.5 hours.

Jonathan Hurford


Conservation and Planning Group

The main interest of the C&P Group is developments and renovation of buildings within the boundaries of Clevedon and in this respect we inspect all planning applications and make our comments and recommendations to the District Council.

We also look at the Public Consultation of larger Development projects and comment where necessary.

Our Current Work

The Planning Applications in which we have taken interest are listed on the Planning Applications page.

We have also commented on the current Public Consultation into the Clevedon Public Space Improvements project, on this page.


Ten Clevedon Walks

Now available is the new edition of our best-selling book

‘Ten Clevedon Walks’

See our Shop page for further details.


Clevedon Civic Society - the first 50 years

As part of the Society 50th Anniversary celebrations, we are producing a book on the history of the Society over that period.

More details to come later this year.


Footpath Walk
2 July

Sandford Quarry

A walk on the Mendips in the Sandford area

Full report on the Footpaths page. 


Environment Group
24 June

Poets' Walk

Cleaning the Poet's Walk steps

Full report on the Our Environment page.

The 'Clevedonian'

In past years, the Society has produced various formats of newsletter to keep the membership informed about events within the Society, town and surrounding area.

We have several years of one such newsletter, The 'Clevedonian', available online for interested visitors to peruse. Please click on the link below to go to the archive page.

Useful Links

We also have a page that provides links to Local Authority, other local Group, Interest and Business pages.

Click below to visit the page

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