As a Society we have published a selection of books, leaflets and a 2-DVD set which we believe will be of interest to residents and visitors alike.
DVD and books can be order by writing to
"Clevedon Civic Society Sales, 33 Tennyson Avenue, Clevedon, North Somerset, BS21 7UJ" using our postal order form, enclosing a cheque made payable to "Clevedon Civic Society".
Postage and packaging: £3.20 for the first book, £0.50 for each additional book. Orders for Clevedon addresses will be hand-delivered and thus will not attract the P&P charges.
Please email us here if you require any further assistance before placing your order.
The Society has produced a DVD set featuring the history of the town and its social life.
Click here for DVDs
Here you will find the books describing various aspects of the history of Clevedon.
Click here for History
The military history of the town in the two great wars of the 20th Century is highlighted in these books
Click here for Military
This section has the Walks booklets, Calendars and Notelet sets that the Society has produced
Click here for details
2 DVD set
1. From the Court to the Old Church
2. Clevedon Walks
3. Clevedon Trains and Troops
4. Clevedon Shops
5. Clevedon Churches
1. A Stroll Along the Prom
2. Clevedon Pier
3. Clevedon Youth
4. Clevedon Sport
5. Clevedon Entertainment
6. Clevedon Civic Society Books
Published in 2009
Video Producer: Geoff Hale
Priced at £3.00 Buy
Click below to view a 2 minute preview of the DVD set, produced by OCR Studios in Clevedon
A paperback book detailing the way Clevedon has changed from a village to the thriving metrop it has become.
- Clevedon until 1800
- The development of Clevedon
- The Elton family & Clevedon court
- The history of Clevedon pier
- Mount Elton
- Religous life in the town
- The development of the local Government
- Education in Clevedon
- Shops in the Nineteenth Century
- The limekilns of Clevedon.
Author: Clevedon Civic Society
Edited by AW Gummow
62 pages.
Published 1981, reprinted 1988.
A paperback book containing many fascinating insights into the history of Clevedon.
- George Lee & his Clevedon Violets
- Chronicles of the Clevedon Cottage hospital
- Clevedon Society in the nineteenth Century
- Highdale Farm, the Hide Hall of
- Clevedon Manor
- Crime in Clevedon
- Looking back on Clevedon
- The growth of Victorian Clevedon
- The Cinema Story
- Clevedon's fire brigade
- Clevedon Civic Society
Author: Clevedon Civic Society
Edited by Clevedon Civic Society
73 pages.
Published 1981, reprinted 1988, 1998 2000, 2002, 2009, 2013.
A paperback with more historical facts and stories about Clevedon and its inhabitants.
- A tribute to Gray Usher (Moorman)
- The Archaeology of Clevedon
- The Arts in Clevedon
- The Ken Hangings
- The Builders of Clevedon
- The Expensive Lesson
- The drinking troughs and fountains of Clevedon
- The history of Clevedon Pier
- The Stephens Car
Author: Clevedon Civic Society
Edited by GH Case and ENT Sandford
90 pages.
Published 1993, reprinted 2008, 2013.
A paperback, packed to the gunnels with more Clevedon history, both industrial and social.
Part 1 - Industrial history
- Brickworks & Potteries
- The Clevedon weavers
- Mr Boddingtons Boot Factory
- Binding & Payne & Associated Companies
- The Clevedon & Portishead Laundry
- Percy Daniel Organ Builder
- Penicillin & other Anti biotics
- Two Timber Merchants
- Utilities: Gas, Water & Electricity
- Willcocks-Inventors & Engineers
Part 2 - More Social History
- A Hill Far Away
- A Boyhood on the Beach
- The Marchant Mystery
- Wareham's Guide of 1878
- Clevedon and the Floods
- The Farms of East Clevedon
- Clevedon County Library
Author: Clevedon Civic Society
Edited by Roy Girling and George Case
108 pages.
Published 1998, reprinted 2000.
Paperback, containing further articles on the fascinating history of the town.
- Clevedon Town AFC
- Guiding
- Amateur Swimming Club
- Rifle Club
- The Pier Trust
- Hales Bakery
Quarries in Clevedon
- Banking in Clevedon
Author: Clevedon Civic Society
Edited by Rob Campbell
76 pages.
Published 2002.
A hardback with more records and articles about Clevedon's past.
- Clevedon Court Manorial Rolls
- A Glimpse of Ancient Clevedon
- Builders of Clevedon
- The Bargeboards of Clevedon
Author: Clevedon Civic Society
Edited by Rob Campbell
288 pages.
Published October 2009.
(Also available from Amazon)
A book in hardback format containing insights into the various historical places and people in Clevedon.
- Around the Place.
- Up, Up and Away - Michael John (Jack) Willcocks.
- A Helping Hand - Henry Edward May
- Driver/Nurse Rose Norton Harper.
- Number Five Elton Road.
- The Best Years.
- Just Folk...
- Columns of Communication - Clevedon Radio Broadcasting Station.
- Clevedon Triangle Clock.
- Military Matters.
- Sporting Life & Society Pages.
- Resting Places and Watering Holes.
Author: Clevedon Civic Society
Edited by Rob Campbell
225 pages.
Published 2010.
(Also available from Amazon)
A paperback detailing various aspects of Clevedon's links with the sea on our doorstep.
- The Pill and Beyond
- Pleasure Boats and Paddle Steamers
- Masters of Clevedon Pier
- Wrecks and Disasters
- Vital Aids to Shipping
- Clevedon’s Resident Seadogs
- I Name This Ship - Clevedon
Author: Peter Gosson
Edited by Geoff Hale
116 pages.
Published 2017.
To celebrate the first 50 years of Clevedon Civic Society, a new book (title to be confirmed) celebrating the history of the Society is currently in preparation, for publication in the second half of 2020.
More details will be revealed in due course.
Includes separate Roll of Honour
Author: Clevedon Civic Society
Edited by Rob Campbell
Paperback, 112 pages.
Published June 2004.
Includes separate Roll of Honour
Author: Clevedon Civic Society
Edited by Rob Campbell
Paperback, 108 pages.
Published June 2005.
Ten short walks through town & country.
Each walk is described clearly and its route, circular where possible, shown on a map. Distances are given, together with an idea of the terrain. All walks are fairly short and none is too strenuous. Places to park are suggested.
This is a best-selling book in its previous editions, order now to avoid disappointment.
Author: Clevedon Civic Society
Edited by Paul Cronin
Paperback, A5, 21 Pages.
Published 1994, revised 2006, new edition 2019.
To break the monotony of living in a small Somerset seaside town, teenager Geoff Hale turned to the local theatrical clubs for his entertainment during the cold winter evenings of the 1950s.
But it wasn’t the chance of wearing greasepaint and treading the boards or even the possibility of making the acquaintance of a lonely young lady that was foremost in his mind. No, it was the intricacies of the stage lighting switchboard that attracted him into the warm.
This book tells of the first ten years of Geoff’s journey into the world of amateur theatre, and details along the way, the early years of the Clevedon Light Opera Club of which his parents were founder members.
Author: Geoff Hale
Paperback, 23x15cm, 103 pages
Published 2021
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