1 The Zig-zag Clevedon BS21 7EJ.
Application for a two storey side extension to semi-detatched cottage. Resubmission to previously approved planning application 12/P/1181/F.
Click on the Application Reference above to go to the North Somerset Planning page for this application. The previous application can also be viewed by clicking on its reference.
The Conservation & Planning Group, on behalf of the Civic Society, have commented on this application as it is in the Conservation area.
Our letter text is as follows:
August 2019
Dear Sir/Madam,
APPLICATION 19/P/1697/FUH. 1 the Zig-Zag Clevedon.
2 storey side extension to semi-detached cottage.
The Civic Society is concerned about this extension in a highly visible location in the Conservation Area.
The cottages on the Zig -Zag are traditional domestic scale buildings set against a wooded background, and this proposal introduces a discordant element into this environment.
The adverse effect of this proposal is demonstrated by comparison of the existing and proposed street elevations. The new extension completely alters the scale of the cottage creating a considerably longer roof line and greater building mass which is at odds with the unique character of this part of the Conservation Area.
Introduction of very large areas of glazing to the extension would also be out of scale with the vernacular character of the surrounding houses.
The North Somerset Council Residential Design Guide addresses extensions of this type which it states should be subservient in scale to the existing building, and if this principle is applied here the character of the area would not be adversely affected.
We hope that North Somerset Council will work with the Applicants to achieve an extension to this cottage which fits in better with its surroundings.
Yours Faithfully,
Clevedon Civic Society.
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