Our Groups

We have four groups that provide much of the work of the Civic Society:

Local History - Meets on the third Thursday in the month 7.30 p.m. at St Andrews Church Centre.

Conservation and Planning - The Conservation and Planning Group was one of the founding groups within the Clevedon Civic Society when constituted in 1970. The aims have remained basically the same in the last 30 years – to follow our axiom of “to preserve the best and improve the rest”.

Our Environment - Since the Environment Group was set up in the late 1970's it has been active in preserving some of Clevedon's best known landmarks as well as creating new features to enhance the town.

Footpaths - The Footpaths group covers the designated footpaths of Clevedon in the course of each year to ensure that they are in a good state. As well as this serious purpose, our lively and sociable group meet to walk once or twice a month in our beautiful surrounding countryside.

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