Planning Application


1 Woodlands Road Clevedon BS21 7QD . 

Demolition of existing garage to form amenity area and storage to proposed development of four dwellings (submitted under cover of separate planning application).

Click on the Application Reference above to go to the North Somerset Planning page for this application. See also the page for related Application 19/P/2298/FUL.

The Conservation & Planning Group, on behalf of the Civic Society, have objected to this application on the grounds of the proposed site access.

Our letter text is as follows:


Dear Mr Cole,

APPLICATION 19/P/2298/FUL. Stafford Garage site, 1 Woodlands Road, Clevedon.

The Civic Society OBJECTS to the above application because: 

As shown on the application drawings, pedestrian and vehicular access to the site will be taken from the lane to the rear of the existing properties on Alexandra Road, and this lane is not part of the application site, according to the site location plan.

We cannot see how the application can be determined (or indeed how it could have been registered) without a clearly defined access to the public highway for the new houses.

The Stafford Garage site has an established vehicular access onto Woodlands road, and this should be used for the development so that the residents of any new houses have a proper legal access, not one from an already overloaded, narrow, unsurfaced, shared access way which is not part of the application site.

Yours Sincerely,

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