Walk Reports 2024


Thursday 29 February 2024

Bristol Harbourside

The planned walk around Nailsea ponds was cancelled as the route was flooded so we tried Bristol harbour instead. Plenty of water but well contained!

Walks are a great opportunity to chat and discuss. The first discussion was why are the public loos closed until 11am? (we were there at 10.30) Then, on the way to the M-Shed, we discussed different varieties of seagulls, when to have coffee and later modern sculptures.

We made our way around the harbour, saw the once magnificent Balmoral, that most of us had cruised on in the past and wondered what the little orange boat was doing? Dredging, surveying ? Who knows. Luckily we arrived at the Underfall coffee shop so had refreshments – a lot of carrot cake was enjoyed!

We agreed that the sky and the water were the same colour but at least it didn’t rain. Finally a spot of lunch before catching the bus back to Clevedon.

A good dry walk of 4.5 miles.

Report by Carol Wood
Photos by Jeff Eastmond

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