Walk Reports 2023


Monday 12 June 2023

Avonmouth Bridge and Pill

There were 7 walkers who took part in this 4 mile walk starting from Portway Park & Ride.

We walked under the Avonmouth Bridge for a distance to the steps which lead us up to the path over the bridge, which is a multi-purpose path.

We enjoyed the views: overlooking gardens, houses, over the river and parts of Bristol.

When we arrived at Pill there is a large ‘hammer & spanner’ which was erected for the competition of strengthening the bridge many years ago, this was also used as unusual seating.

On a circular route we continued into Pill looking at the train line and old coal loading area, the station and platform and other items associated with the railway. We walked around some very old streets and houses and then into the centre of Pill via under the many railway arches which were superbly built.

The town centre does not have many shops but there are many large wall tiled areas full of information about the history of Pill which is very interesting.

We started our return by walking along the Avon and looking at many different areas including the flood defence system, and the great views over the Avon to Shirehampton.

We walked back over the bridge to our cars and drove a very short distance to our lunch venue ‘The Lamplighters’ at Shirehampton which we could see from Pill.

Report by Jenny Ellis
Photos by Ross James

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