Walk Reports 2024


Monday 8 January 2024

RSPB Ham Wall

Two carloads from Clevedon and a car of Nailsea Footpath group members set off to Ham Wall, which is part of the Avalon Marshes, to see the starling murmurations.

Starling murmurations are a true wonder of the natural world and the Avalon Marshes are one of the best places in the UK to come and witness this amazing wildlife spectacle. During the winter, starlings eat seeds and berries up to 20 miles away before joining flocks in the evening and perform amazing aerobatic displays. Flocks provide safety in numbers for birds returning to roost, as predators find it hard to target individual birds. In addition, they benefit from the warmth of other birds and the opportunity to exchange information.

On arrival at Ham Wall we were told that recently they have been roosting at Shapwick Heath, just across the road. After a chat over hot chocolate we split into a couple of groups and set off.


It was a cold and cloudy afternoon with frozen puddles but suddenly the setting sun spread the sky with a brilliant golden glow and ribbons of starlings flew overhead, shape-morphing into buckles and bows before roosting behind some trees. We could hear the noise of their wings as they flew over us. The other group claim to have seen a whale flying over head! We marvelled at the shapes and sounds of thousands of starlings bedding down for the night.

A perfect Winter’s experience, hot chocolate, starlings and even flurries of snow...

Report by Carol Wood
Photos by Carol, and Jeff Eastmond

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