Working Party Dates 2025
Our Environment Group working parties will usually be on the first Monday of the month, unless specified or really bad weather. We start at 10am, work till 11.30am and then go for a coffee.
The next 2025 working party will be Monday 10th March, and then the first Monday of the month. We’ll start at Marine Hill, clearing the paths and leaves around the historic Horse Trough. Then in April we’ll work in the garden area of Pier Copse, clearing any beds of weeds and trimming the hedges around the viewing area. In May we’ll clear the footpaths to the linear park next to Seavale Road. Later in the year we will go to the Hangstone Quarry paths and Marshalls Field. We will also plan working parties at Sunhill Park Community Centre and Poets Walk steps. The Civic Society also looks after Salthouse Fields telephone box, so this will need a spring clean soon.
If you would like to help us spruce Clevedon up please look out for publicity and contact the Environment Group direct through the web site or email the Working Party Co-ordinator. We will warmly welcome all new members.
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