Working Party Reports 2020


Monday 18 May 2020

Bay Road Car Park Area

In light of the new Government guidance permitting voluntary work to take place outside of the home, and having discussed how this might be done safely, the Environment Group decided to hold an exploratory working group at the car park area of Bay Road.

This site was chosen because we thought it would be relatively easy to maintain social distancing as between ourselves and also vis-a-vis passing members of the public.

Volunteers were asked to bring their own tools and use only those, and hand sanitiser was made available. In the event the working party worked extremely well and a good deal of progress was made in the uncovering of weed-choked paths and opening up the parking areas, as you can see from the accompanying photographs.

We have decided therefore to resume our usual pattern of working parties on the first Monday of each month. On Monday 1st June we will return to the Bay Road car park at 10am to complete work there.

Report by Richard Young
Photographs by Jonathan Hurford

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