Working Party Reports 2020


Monday 5 October 2020

Elton Road and Seavale Copse

The seven volunteers from the Environment Group that met for this Working Party were split into two groups.

With four tackling the overgrown hedge on Elton Road that was threatening to submerge the telephone box, the other three focused on Seavale Road copse.

Following the removal of large amounts of weeds that had grown through it, and some determined clipping, the hedge was returned to its original boundary line. We also weeded around the Peace Memorial and cleared the steps (with their new railings - compare the photo with those from our May 2019 working party) and paths in Seavale Copse. Social distancing was maintained throughout.

Many thanks to North Somerset Council for removing the brash. Another section of the hedge will be tackled next month which will bring our work for the year to an end. 

Report by Richard Young.
Photographs by Richard, and Angela Slotte.

Left: Elton Road phone box in late September

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