Stephens  Cars, Clevedon

Project to display a replica of a Stephens Car


Stephens Cars

Local resident, Mark Reber, was so impressed to discover that the first all-British automobile was designed and made in Clevedon, that he has commissioned a full-size replica, which he will donate to the town.

This is to be a static replica to be permanently located at Six Ways, Clevedon.

The Civic Society felt that this very generous donation should be properly displayed in a way that fully reflects the role that the town played in the early development of the automobile, and which could effect significant environmental improvements to the public realm.

We have designed a plinth in a landscape setting which we believe would do justice to this generous donation, and express the gratitude of the town. 

The Civic Society has facilitated the scheme so far, resulting in the Town and District councils and the Clevedon BID supporting the scheme.Also the Highway Authority has approved the location on the Six Ways traffic island, and when a contractor is appointed to carry out the works, a formal application will be made.

Costs for displaying this amazing replica in the town where it was designed and built is in the order of £15K and we hope you consider it a cause worthy of your support. 


We are seeking sponsorship from individuals as well as local businesses and organisations and hope that you will donate to help realise this important historic project for Clevedon.

Please make your donations to:

Clevedon Civic Society                Account No.:         26140968

Sort Code:     30-99-50               Reference:             Stephens Car

Images of the replica car construction in progress
Click on an image to enlarge

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