12 of us braved a rainy start to the walk but brightened up after a short time - we went by bus and got off at ‘We the Curious’
We followed the underground route of the River Frome from the centre to St. Jude’s with diversions from the route, walking down small alleyways skirting parts of the old city walls.
We looked at many special buildings on the way.
We stopped for Coffee at John Wesley’s Chapel cafe, then continuing the River Frome route we walked to St. Judes' where we can see the entry point of the River Frome going under the city and only showing again when it exits at the docks.
We walked around old parts of Bristol, including Portland Square, and finished at ’The Hatchet’ which is the oldest pub in Bristol built in 1606, a very interesting large rambling place and the food was good.
Then we then caught the bus home.
Report by Jenny Ellis
Photos by Jeff Eastmond
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