Working Party Reports 2024


Monday 6 May 2024

Seavale Road, Peace Memorial

A very successful working party at Seavale Road and next to the Peace memorial. As seen from the group photo, 12 happy members turned in the glorious sunshine to clear the paths and planting beds.

The next working party will be Monday 4th June 10am to clear the footpath behind Hangstone Quarry. Meet at the Victoria Road end, next the junction with Old Church Road. We’ll work till about 11.30am and then go for a coffee.

New members are very welcome to join us. Don’t forget to wear your gardening clothes and bring a few tools such as clippers and secateurs.

Contact via web site, email, or just turn-up.

Report by Jonathan Hurford
Photos by Jonathan, and Angela Slotte

Left: The Working Party 

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